Year 9 Health- Wellbeing Expo

What were the biggest things you learnt whilst completing this task?

Some of the the biggest things I learnt whilst completing this task is that communication is key. I say this for many reasons. Communication is one of the best ways to understand one another as well as indulge deeper into our thinking. One person might be able to put into words what you’re trying to say. It especially came helpful in this task as there were many areas where we all had to contribute to consolidate one idea. For example when deciding what topic we wanted to talk about at the expo, we had a group discussion, talking about our experiences at school and things we wanted to discuss coming from people with personal experience on the topic.

What one piece of advice would you pass on to young people with regards to wellbeing above all else? Why?

This may seem like a joke but “It’s not that deep” is something I always tell myself. It helps to bring me back to reality and deal with things with how big they really are not how big they are in my head. I would also say just a general piece of advice is that no one is looking at you as much as you think they are. Something that tends to affect my wellbeing is the constant thought that I am being judged. When I take a step back, everyone is looking at themselves and are to busy to look at you. There are so many pieces of advice I would like to give but for my last piece of advice I would say is it’s usually always in your head. When something sounds hard, your brain automatically thinks ‘I can’t do this’ but you actually can. A way to help with this is writing everything that’s stressing you out or making you anxious etc. down as you can physically see it and it makes it so much smaller. Hopefully that made sense! You can always talk to people too.

Write down a pledge that you will commit to in regards to your own wellbeing. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments?

“No matter what happens, I pledge to always take care of myself and see things for how they truly are. I pledge to take care of my mental, physical and emotional wellbeing always before anything else. I pledge to go out of my comfort zone whilst also allowing myself to fall into things that comfort me”


Overall I feel that this wellbeing expo informed people in depth about school stress as well as how to deal with it. I think when you talk about things you have experienced it makes it so much easier to identify ways to solve the problem and talk to others about it. I enjoyed the entirety of this process and can’t wait to do similar things in the future.

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