Super Series-Soccer

It was Term 4, Tuesday of Week 2 and everyone was pumped up with adrenaline as the participants of the 2019 soccer super series boarded the small minibus waiting outside the ISC. Mr J welcoming everyone aboard as he took to the road, grasping the steering wheel with his 9 available fingers.

When we got to the Curtin University oval all the other skilled soccer teams were there and some of us were a bit intimidated when finding out who we were versing in our fixtures but the others reassured them and told them that trying their best was what mattered. The day consisted of 3 matches; 2 proper matches and one crossover match. Our team got ready as we slipped on our blue and white colours and waited for our first match to start. The day was going smoothly and down packed as we warmed up with the soccer ball. We were all certain that we were all going to do our very best in the first match, until… There was a slip and a crack that brought down the mood. One of our teammates Jamie had slipped on the bricks and had banged his head. He was lying down on the bricks as the ambulance came and calmed everyone down reassuring everyone that he was okay.

After a few minutes that felt like an eternity Jamie finally jumped back up and was back to normal, seemingly happy that he got a free bottle of water. We all figured out that he took all the bad luck from our team and that it caused the fall as his jersey had the unlucky number 13. The games started off at an amazing start, us scoring goals and dodging all of the opposition. Well no. That’s what we would have liked to happen, but for most of us that thought only came true in our dreams. We got thrashed by the opposition, some of us even scoring our own goals. But, we kept on persevering and aspired to win at least one of the other two matches. Throughout the whole of the second match, blisters started to form on my feet and they made it difficult to run as fast as I could of without them. Still, I burst my limits and ran my fastest and tried my best throughout the whole of the third match, everyone else on the team also trying their hardest. As a result we won the match.

The powers that I used throughout the day included: teamwork and communication. when I had to work with my other team members, passing the ball, making space etc and resilience, when even when we lost, we kept on going even when we were met with many downsides on the day

Overall, even though the whole match did result in me getting painful blisters and sore legs, the experience to go play proper matches against other schools in Curtin University was bewildering and I would definitely sign up to do more matches like these again another time.

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