When you leave the College, here are the instructions you need so you can take your ePortfolio with you….
Taking your site with you

When you leave the College, here are the instructions you need so you can take your ePortfolio with you….
Do you want your home page to show a list of your posts or a static page? The choice is yours!…
Flex is a new theme that gives you many more options for building a page and post on your ePortfolio. Check out how it works:…
Blogging isn’t like traditional writing — it’s a unique genre and it’s worth exploring what’s possible. Here are 10 types of blog posts you commonly see on the web. This might give you inspiration to mix things up!…
A simple explanation of what an ePortfolio is:…
A menu is a great way to help people navigate your site. Menus items can consist of: Pages – which can be designed by you but don’t have posts Categories – the way to go if you want a post you write to go in a certain place in the menu Links – a direct…
A picture, worth a thousand words. Which means video is, what, priceless?…
The theme you choose for your portfolio displays your posts in different ways – but many of them will look a LOT better if you have a featured image to display….