Earlier this year, during the rehearsing of the school production “MAMMA MIA”, I was given the opportunity to take over the Hot House Instagram for a day to promote the production. This opportunity arose as I am a part of the Arts Council, and someone was needed to promote the production in broader ways. I thought this opportunity was a unique one and I was happy to put my skills into something useful. As part of the takeover, I went to school during the holidays to one of the MAMMA MIA rehearsals and gained access to the Hot House Instagram. I worked alongside Miss Osmetti, and she guided me throughout the day. I created stories, showed behind the scenes videos, took photos of the cast rehearsing and at the end of the day posted on the Instagram account showing exciting pictures I had taken during the day and outlining the efforts the cast and crew had put in during the past few months.
Throughout the day I had to use a lot of creativity to make the stories engaging. I took photos from different angles and in different lighting. I took both photos and videos and used different texts and stickers on the posts to engage the audience in different ways. My work was received with great enthusiasm from multiple members of staff and Mr Mayhill’s described my work as professional and informed me that it was the most impactful work that was produced during the production of MAMMA MIA. I believe I showed great leadership through this experience as I not only stepped up to the opportunity, but I took initiative throughout the day. I worked with new people and teachers and made sure I asked for help when I needed it. This opportunity not only expanded my skills but opened new doors for me as I can now produce more content for Instagram and show others how to work these tools to create exciting and engaging content.