Progress Update 2

This term we began working on our final presentation for our year 10 Hass project, we started by grouping our already founded information and putting it in the categories it goes under, we also expanded this information using the websites we already had. For example, we expanded on each of the schools we found and found the key information that we needed to know like where it is and how much it costs.  We used the school’s website to find out information on K-12 schools and put this into our PowerPoint. We didn’t just want the school names and where they are located, we needed information about the gender of students, the ages of students and the number of students. We need this information because when adults are making a decision about what school to send their children to they look at lots of factors, not just location and price. We started to put all our info into the PowerPoint and linked all the slides so they flowed together.

We are using PowerPoint to present our project as it has a feature that makes it possible to link slides using hyperlinks. Eliza mainly used PowerPoint as she already had the skills and was confident that she could make our project work using this feature. We had some difficulties getting started linking the slides but now everything is working perfectly and we are well on our way to having this feature working for all our slides. My role was to gather all the information together and put it onto the PowerPoint. This week I worked on the information for schools. I wrote stats on the best K-12 schools in Perth and put this on the PowerPoint with a picture of the school.

After our first progress update, we had lots of good feedback that we needed to take into consideration when continuing our project. One main point of feedback from the first update was to clearly outline the main factors that make up a livable city. We did this by writing information on each factor. On the night of the presentation, we will have this information displayed on our table so people can see and understand the factors before moving onto the PowerPoint.

We wanted to add more of a visual element to our project as it is mainly on our computer. We will make this possible by printing a map out on foam board and then using pins to locate the “best” and “worst” suburbs based on all of our factors. We will have statistics linked to those suburbs so people can see why they are the best and worst suburbs

To move we need to finish the PowerPoint. To do this we need to finish the research on all the factors then put it onto the PowerPoint. This will take a lot of work but I’m confident we can finish before the presentation. We also need to link up all the slides so everything works together and people can use the PowerPoint in an interactive way on the night. We also need to print out our information on the factors and do the map so this can be a visual element shown on the night

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