Achievements and Activities

For helping out with JS Choir Kickstart and spending some time with the kids. It was much appreciated to have you there!
Miss Mona Khosraviani
Attended a Public Speaking workshop provided to 2023 Student Leaders.
Mrs Sue Watt
22/11/22College and House Activities:
Contemporary Band – The Tradies – Semester 2
18/11/22College and House Activities:
Senior Girls’ Choir – Semester 2
18/11/22College and House Activities:
College Choir – Semester 2
06/10/22Leadership and Service:
Music Captain -2023
12/09/22Leadership and Service:
Student Volunteer – 2022 Student-Led College Tours
08/09/22Leadership and Service:
Arts Councillor
Assisted with Year 7 Transition Evening
Mrs Fiona Bassett
20/06/22College and House Activities:
Year 7 Mixed Frisbee Coach T2- 2022
20/06/22College and House Activities:
Contemporary Band – The Tradies
20/06/22College and House Activities:
College Choir
20/06/22College and House Activities:
Year 7 Soccer Coach T1- 2022
20/06/22College and House Activities:
Year 11/12 ACC Football Team T1- 2022
20/06/22College and House Activities:
Year 11/12 ACC Football Team T2- 2022
20/06/22College and House Activities:
Contemporary Band – The Tradies
20/06/22College and House Activities:
Senior Girls’ Choir
14/06/22Leadership and Service:
Cultural Award – Music
14/06/22Leadership and Service:
House Award
07/12/21Awards and Achievements:
Semester 2 Merit Award in Spirited Agency – Science
02/12/21College and House Activities:
Amana Advocate 2021
29/11/21College and House Activities:
ACC Athletics Team 2021
26/11/21College and House Activities:
Contemporary Band – The Tradies
17/09/21Awards and Achievements:
Semester 1 Merit Award Positive relationships – Health
17/09/21Leadership and Service:
Year 10 Arts Councillor
10/09/21College and House Activities:
Senior Wind Ensemble
10/09/21College and House Activities:
ACC AFL School Girls Cup 2021
08/09/21College and House Activities:
Symphony Orchestra
08/09/21College and House Activities:
Senior Girls Choir
15/06/21College and House Activities:
Contemporary Band “The Tradies”
15/06/21College and House Activities:
Senior Wind Ensemble
14/06/21College and House Activities:
College Choir
11/06/21College and House Activities:
Symphony Orchestra
11/06/21College and House Activities:
Senior Girls Choir
Your performances at the Year 9 & 10 assembly were outstanding. You had the whole audience bouncing along!!
Mr Mitch Jamieson
For completing your English homework to a high standard
Mrs Sue Watt
Thanks for your excellent work on Task 10.
Ms Elizabeth Bowyer
24/11/20College and House Activities:
ACC Athletics Team 2020
Great review of “Megamind” for English!
Ms Elizabeth Bowyer
28/09/20College and House Activities:
Interhouse Choir Years 7 – 12 Term 3
18/09/20College and House Activities:
Contemporary Band ‘Tradies’
Great singing at the concert!
Ms Elizabeth Bowyer
Great playing at the concert yesterday!
Ms Elizabeth Bowyer
18/09/20College and House Activities:
Senior Wind Band
18/09/20College and House Activities:
Senior Girls Choir
18/09/20College and House Activities:
Combined College Concert Band
18/09/20College and House Activities:
College Choir
18/05/20College and House Activities:
Combined College Concert Band
14/05/20College and House Activities:
Senior Girls Choir
14/05/20College and House Activities:
Senior Wind Ensemble
14/05/20College and House Activities:
College Choir
14/05/20College and House Activities:
Contemporary Band “The Tradies”
17/03/20Leadership and Service:
Yr 9 Arts Councillor – 2020
09/12/19College and House Activities:
Contemporary Band Year 8/9 – 2019
08/12/19College and House Activities:
Year 7 Choir ‘Minor Details’
08/12/19College and House Activities:
College Choir
03/12/19College and House Activities:
Symphony Orchestra 2019
03/12/19College and House ActivitiesInterhouse Choir Years 7 – 12 Term 3
03/12/19College and House Activities:
Girls Choir
02/12/19Leadership and Service:
Red Shield Appeal
02/12/19College and House Activities:
Interhouse Sport Year 7 & 8 Girls Touch
26/11/19College and House Activities:
Combined College Choir
13/11/19College and House Activities:
ASC Athletics Team 2019
Excellent work in French class today….Bravo!!! Keep up the hard work!!!!!
Mrs Ursula de Salve Villedieu
20/06/19College and House Activities:
College Choir 2019
20/06/19College and House Activities:
Senior Girls Choir 2019
20/06/19College and House Activities:
2019 Symphony Orchestra
20/06/19College and House Activities:
Contemporary Band Year 8/9 Band – 2019
Helping to send a kind message of support to another student who is unwell
Mr Adam Goor
04/06/19Leadership and Service:
Red Shield Appeal Volunteer
14/05/19Leadership and Service:
Service Representative – Semester 1
16/04/19College and House Activities:
Interhouse 7 & 8 Girls’ Soccer Team
06/12/18College and House Activities:
Year 7/8 College Rock Band
06/12/18College and House Activities:
Year 7/8 Interhouse Mixed Touch Team
04/12/18College and House Activities:
College Voices
04/12/18College and House Activities:
Choral Camp participant 2018
01/12/18College and House Activities:
Year 7 Homework Help
7V – Great work today in Science! I really appreciated how well you completed the activity, packed away, and got on with your work without requiring reminders. Superb!
Mrs Becky Renton
05/10/18College and House Activities:
Service Representative – Semester 2
01/10/18College and House Activities:
Battle of the House Choirs
15/06/18College and House Activities:
Concert Band
11/05/18College and House Activities:
Year 7 & 8 Interhouse Girls’ Soccer – Coach’s Award
For receiving teacher praise for their efforts within the Transition program on ten separate occasions
Miss Jacqui Shaw
For receiving teacher praise for their efforts within the Transition program on ten separate occasions
Miss Jacqui Shaw
Great work planning your investigation in Science today! I’m looking forward to seeing your results next week!
Mrs Becky Renton
For receiving teacher praise for their efforts within the Transition program on ten separate occasions
Miss Jacqui Shaw

Food Deliveries

Over the past 5 years, I have been doing food deliveries through the All Saints parish. Every second Saturday at about 11 in the morning, my dad and I drive to All Saints and pick up the food for that week’s deliveries. The food packages vary on the number of people, the dietary requirements of the people and if they have children or not. Each family or person get between 3 and 6 bags depending on the size of the family. They also get between 4 and 12 eggs. We then set off to deliver the food parcels. We deliver them all over Perth and do between 4 and 7 deliveries each time but we have done up to 11 during busier times.
Food deliveries have given me a new appreciation for what I have. I am very lucky to attend a school like all saints and I realise this every time I do the food deliveries. All the people we deliver to live below the poverty line in old, dirty houses most with lots of children and animals. These deliveries make me very grateful for what I have and make me realise how lucky I am to be in the position that I am in.
I would highly recommend doing food deliveries to anyone. It is so rewarding, at the end of each delivery you feel like you have done so much good and it’s so lovely to see the smile on people’s faces when you give them the deliveries they have been waiting for. I always go home feeling happy so I would recommend it to anyone.

Peer Support Alternate Activities

Last year I applied to be a peer support leader for O’Connor. Sadly I didn’t get one of these roles but still got to do some super fun activities while the peer support training was being run. On Monday I started off my day by going on a bus to the river and doing rowing with the rest of O’Connor who didn’t get into peer support. This was a lovely activity run by Ms Rees and the rowing teacher. We were taught the skills of rowing first on land and then we got to go in the water and test out the skills we had learned. It was surprisingly hard to balance in the canoe but after falling in the water a couple of times we headed off to yoga. Yoga was a nice relaxing, afternoon activity where we learnt single, partner and group yoga poses. It was a lot of fun and everyone was laughing by the end of it.

On Tuesday we started off our day by making cookies. These cookies were for Salvation Army who then gave them to homeless people as a little Christmas gift. This was super fun and we got to personalise our cookies to how we wanted them to look. After cookie making, we got to participate in a self-defence workshop run by a coach from out of school. This workshop was a lot of fun and everyone enjoyed it a lot. We learnt many skills and even got to practice them on each other. The afternoon activity was my favourite. We got to go down to the ECC (early childhood centre) and be around the little kids for the afternoon, playing with them in the playground, doing crafts and reading Christmas stories. This activity made everyone so happy as the kids were so full of energy and excitement. We started off playing with them in the playgroup which allowed us to meet everyone and even play some chasey. We then helped them make some mini Christmas wreaths and even though we got sticky with glue everyone found it enjoyable. We finished off our afternoon by reading the kid’s Christmas stories and we even had some gingerbread men to finish off a fun day.

I really enjoyed the two-day experience and even though I was originally sad about missing out on peer support I had a really fun two days with my friends. My recommendation to someone who doesn’t make peer support is to take these two days as a bit of fun. The activities make you laugh and have a lot of fun and you get to do it with your friends.

Hot House Instagram Takeover

Earlier this year, during the rehearsing of the school production “MAMMA MIA”, I was given the opportunity to take over the Hot House Instagram for a day to promote the production. This opportunity arose as I am a part of the Arts Council, and someone was needed to promote the production in broader ways. I thought this opportunity was a unique one and I was happy to put my skills into something useful. As part of the takeover, I went to school during the holidays to one of the MAMMA MIA rehearsals and gained access to the Hot House Instagram. I worked alongside Miss Osmetti, and she guided me throughout the day. I created stories, showed behind the scenes videos, took photos of the cast rehearsing and at the end of the day posted on the Instagram account showing exciting pictures I had taken during the day and outlining the efforts the cast and crew had put in during the past few months.

Throughout the day I had to use a lot of creativity to make the stories engaging. I took photos from different angles and in different lighting. I took both photos and videos and used different texts and stickers on the posts to engage the audience in different ways. My work was received with great enthusiasm from multiple members of staff and Mr Mayhill’s described my work as professional and informed me that it was the most impactful work that was produced during the production of MAMMA MIA. I believe I showed great leadership through this experience as I not only stepped up to the opportunity, but I took initiative throughout the day. I worked with new people and teachers and made sure I asked for help when I needed it. This opportunity not only expanded my skills but opened new doors for me as I can now produce more content for Instagram and show others how to work these tools to create exciting and engaging content.