About Me

Welcome, and it’s nice to see you!

Looking back, I must say that I have made my younger self proud by becoming the person that I see myself as today. My name is Divya and I am more than grateful to be able to write about myself on this platform. I was born in the beautiful state of Kerela, India, and spent the starting years of my life surrounded by nature and family. I then moved around a bit, finally settling into Perth around 2010. I spent the majority of my primary school years at various places and my true academic and personal journey started when I began at All Saints’ in 2016.

But by this time, I had gotten a pretty good idea of the sort of person I was and what I would dream of doing in my future years. I had discovered my love for music, specifically singing, and also a special taking for leadership and social responsibility in many parts of my life. I was involved in my school communities from a young age and not much has changed since then because I love what I do within my social space.

I am a very active member of the school community in its music, service, drama and leadership opportunities and have fortunately been recognised for my efforts over the years. I love being part of such things because one of my core values is a sense of community or belonging. Of all the things I have volunteered or participated in, I have loved each new group of people I’ve been able to build new and unique relationships with over its duration. I also hold all my friendships and relationship with utmost importance due to the value I give to them in my life and I’m very much the person to do almost anything for the people I love.

If I were to describe myself in 3 words, I would choose empathetic, reliable, and determined and these almost perfectly tie in with my core values of connection, empathy, and trust. I use these words and values to guide myself and my actions through everyday life and I am sure those in my life have witnessed that over the times we have spent together.