[DNT] LED Trophy | Material Technology

Material Technology Project Term 1 + 2

Material Technology is a class where we make cool gadgets, we make these by using a vast inventory of machines and tools. The aim of this class is to understand what tools and machinery do, also how to operate them. We have this class 4 times a week, so there is a lot of potential to get things done. We worked on a main project for the first term and a half, I finished the course early which meant that I would have nothing to do for 4 periods a week, so if there was anything else to do or if anyone needed any help then I would help them. I also did a mini project that took 1 week to complete.

The main project that the class did was making an LED acrylic trophy. Making this was a challenge because most of us have never used this type of machinery. Also, the way that we had to plan out the whole task step by step with every single detail of what we were going to do. The LED Trophy took most of Semester 1 to make, this was because we needed to learn how to operate the machines and what to do for the project.

The main capability that was used in this project was creativity. This project required creativity in numerous areas, for the whole design of the trophy we needed to think of cool designs that will be visually appealing. We also had to find ways to make the most of the small space that we had onboard the trophy. The design process also needed a bit of creativity but also problem solving, as there were many instances where two sizes would not align, or angles were not adding up correctly.

This is a view of some of the other LED Trophy’s.