[HEALTH] Road safety advertisement

Year 10 Health Education


Keys for Life

Road Safety Campaign   

Planning a Road Safety Campaign

Road Safety Issue
Distracted driving – 25% of all car accidents are related to improper use of mobile phone. These accidents occur in city and suburban areas primarily, average age of drivers using phones on car between 18-24 this accounts for 94% of the phone related incidents.
Sources of Information
It is from a government website with many resources that went into these figures, that have been collected over large times. (1-2 years) Website: https://www.bitre.gov.au/statistics/safety
Aim of the Campaign  
A large portion of the mobile phone related incidents to be reduced due to driver awareness.
Key Information
Keep your eyes on the road and do not be tempted to look at your phone or other devices when driving, or even at a red light. Many accidents are caused by driver negligence, and driver negligence is caused by distraction.
The Safety Message or Slogan of the Campaign  
Put on do not disturb, so you do not end up on the curb (car accident)  
Medium to be Used
Radio advertisement, something that people would be in their cars whilst listening to this, it appeals towards the drivers more than an advert on a phone its self.
Communication Approach
Something different from average advertisements, where it is realistic and portrays the reality of car accidents. Using either a dark gloomy mood setting background where it is different from your average advert where everything is too bright and friendly.  

After making the advertisement.

What were the biggest things you learnt while completing this task?  It is not easy to try to paint a picture and change the mood of the audience with only using sounds, as you do not have the same level of control over people’s thoughts. Although, I perceived this as a challenge, and after some thought, I already had some ideas on how to make this more emotionally effective, yet after listening to what I made over and over, it lost its touch for me, so I asked others what I could do to improve, then I built off of that.
What one piece of advice would you pass on to young drivers above all else? Why?  You only have one life and one body, your phone is something that is designed to hold information on it, you do not have to look at your phone all the time if you are driving. But if you must, then only do so when you are out of the way from all other traffic and are at a complete stop. Not when you are in motion or at a red light.
Write down a pledge that you will commit to when you start driving. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments?  I pledge to never touch my phone when I am driving, no matter the cause or how long I would look at it. Seconds in a car can change someone for a lifetime, it is not worth the risk and endangerment of myself and the people around me just for me to look at my phone. To stick to these commitments, I will either put my phone into a bag or in the centre console, so I cannot visually reach it, but I will also have the phone’s notification settings turned off or to buzz so I will not be tempted to see what happened. Either I will miss the notification completely, or would think that it is too much effort to get my phone and not worth it to get it.

Radio advertisement:

Please note: This is not actually authorised by the Aus Govt. Cb


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