[INNOVATE-ED] $20 Boss Innovate[ED] Reflection (2020)

$20 Boss is a program held at All Saints, Where we take a loan from the school of 20 dollars (per person). Then we make groups of about 2-5 people, then they think of ideas for a product to sell in the ‘end of year markets’. I made a group with 4 other people, Aaron, Jing, Toby, Jet and I. Our product/service that we designed is a company called CUZTM, We buy water bottles from a store (e.g: Kmart $6.75), take off any stickers, spray paint them with a primer, then hydro dip the water bottles with a chosen set of colors. On the market day we sold each bottle for $12, gaining $5.25.

The Profits would be carefully divided and re-invested back into the business, meaning we could buy more water bottles and paint to gain more profit. At the end of the second market we made $108 in profit. This is a major difference to the other groups. There were only a couple of groups that made this much, Thus meaning that this is a sign that we are a more effective business. Thinking out side of the box.

Also another part of $20 Boss, is to build our ingenuity, creativity and problem solving skills. I have definitely build a stronger set of problem solving skills. In our business there was a lot of problems happening all of the time that needed fixing, and I have found better ways to solve these problems, meaning that i have learnt more which is the goal of this class.

[P] About Me

My name is Dylan, I have been at All Saints College since Term 4 Year 7. I have a younger sister, Mother, Father, and a pet dog. I have quite a bit of free time, it usually spent playing video games, doing after school sports, helping around the house, and building mechanisms with wood, cardboard, and tape. When I build with cardboard, I can make amazing mechanisms that are, structurally sound and awesome aesthetically, I have indulged into many co-curricular activities at All Saint’s, some of these are, Robotics, Swimming, ACC Swimming (selected) and Rowing. I have tonnes of friends in this school and in all grades, all though I have many friends, I am always trying to expand the friendship circle. I was elected in 6th grade to be a peer mediator, who helps people when they would get an injury, or if they would be lost, stops or prevents fights from happening and mainly a source of comfort for the younger students. Now days I have still retained that ability, also that younger people still come to me for comfort.

My Strengths

I have many social strengths, and a lot of random other strengths. Probably my most valuable strengths are Creativity, Friendliness and Determination. Creativity has helped me a lot in life as I have solved many problems using this ability, at home I would create contraptions and small objects, also when I would build things I always search what I am working on to see if there is any weaknesses in the build and if there was then I would be able to solve it usually easily. Friendliness is another major strength that I have, evidenced by the number of friends that I have. But the friends that I have are reliable and are real friends. Because before I try to be friends with someone, I make a decision about how they are and act, If they are not nice or related to bad people (friends with or admire them) then I usually ty to stay away, Because if you gathered all of my friends, they are genuinely nice people and have the ability to elude temptation to do bad things. Another one of my strengths is determination, I can set my self to one task and do that task even though it might be hard.

My Future

I plan to make my future fulfilled with excitement and fun moments, also to work in a job that I love and enjoy doing. For example, Engineering (mechanical or structural) as I love to do this also as stated before, I am terrific at this subject and already have knowledge in this area. If I do not make it to being an engineer, I will revert to computer security companies, or the ASIO as I believe that I could support the nation in this area.

Dylan Baker