
As part of the class called Innovat[ED], the 2019 Year 8 cohort had to choose a Service Partner and a problem that specific organization needs help tackling. Throughout term 2 and the beginning of term three, I was part of one of these project. I was able to choose out of four service problems to solve, being salvation army, Nulsen, RAFFA and Amana living. I decided to help solve one of the Amana livings problems. Amana needed an education program to develop new skills for older Australians.

We had many ideas including the culinary arts, photography, tech classes, art classes, music classes and many more, however the idea that we decided on to solve Amana’s problem was to make a program where the residents can learn new and relevant writing skills through the form of an autobiography that they can pass on to their family. We would also involve students from All Saints to interact and help the residents. However, we would also be able to learn skills from the residents as well who are passionate about writing and learn together.

Our group, (Divya Josey, Toby Landau, Casey Leung, Kate Hillier and myself) were good at figuring out the logistics of our plan and how we were going to design our program. We were also very good at constructing a clear and engaging pitch. We were also good at letting our program naturally evolve and accepting new ideas from different group members. I also developed my teamwork and leadership skills throughout this process. I was able to be creative and problem solve.

Great effort brings great things. 

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