
At All Saints’, there are numerous service co-curricular activities and one is GenConnect. GenConnect is a program where students at the college collaborate with the residents at Amana Livings to assist them with their problems and questions based their electronic devices.

Each week we meet with the same resident and help them with their electronics, and get to know them a little bit better. I would look forward to seeing the residents because they are such lovely people that always have new things to tell us or a new skill that they want to learn. At the end of the term, on the last week of GenConnect, we decided to get the residents to teach us a skill or something that they are passionate about. Some taught knitting, others gave cooking recipes, and the resident that I worked with for the last couple of weeks, taught me how to tell the time without a watch by looking at the shadows from a tree!

This co-curricular activity was very valuable to me, as not only did the I teach the residents about their devices, I also learnt so much about them and they taught us many things that I didn’t know before. Each resident had a different skill level and a different story to tell.

In the future I want to continue being a part of GenConnect again, as I think that it is a great opportunity to build my skills, spend time with the older residents in our community, and also learn new things from them.

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