Yr8 camp was the best learning experience, I got to become 100x closer to the other Durack yr8s and learned about there strengths and weakness,  I also got challenged with the low ropes and high ropes and got to learn about your strengths and how something as simple as walking across a wobbly log can be really challenging.


If I could do anything different It would be to not continue to work on the salvation army app project in innovatED, this is because I found out that working in a group can be really hard sometimes, especially If you don’t get to choose who you are working with, in my group it was especially hard because the other 2 people in my group didn’t get along well which made it hard because they were arguing about things a lot.

The most enjoyable experience was peer support, this is because the activities were always fun and challenging sometimes, and It created a fun competitive atmosphere with some games.


I contributed to the college by helping out with the production and concerts through tech hub, this is because with the productions and concerts having so much effort put in from Mr. Roberts, Adrian, Geoff, other staff, the actors, dancers, singer, musicians, and other tech hub members, it encouraged to me to put more effort in, this paid off in the end because the production and concerts had really good ticket sails and some sold out


I learned most about my study habits because I found out this year that I can work better when the people around me are focused or working


My advice for anyone about to start year 8 is that it’s going to be fine, this is because all of the skills needed for high school you learn in year 7 and all of the teachers and maybe friends are supportive.

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