Health assignment

What were the biggest things you learnt while completing this task?

I learnt just how dangerous drink driving is to everyone in the car. I also learnt that when you are the person you are responsible for everyone in the car, and it is your responsibility to keep them safe. Drinking and driving will cause harm to everyone in the car. I was also surprised to find out just how many accidents, injuries and deaths are caused each year from drunk drivers.

What one piece of advice would you pass on to young drivers above all else? Why?

Be responsible and think about yourself, others in the car and everyone else driving on the roads and what you can do to help keep them safer. Also, never risk anything, if you have consumed alcohol no matter how little catch a taxi or get a lift home with a sober friend or family member. You do not want to live your life knowing that a couple drinks you had costed another person their life because you decided to drive.

Write down a pledge that you will commit to when you start driving. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments?

I will always keep in mind the people in my car and the people on the roads by following road rules and being a responsible driver. I will never out anyone at risk from my own recklessness.

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