$20 Boss

At the beginning of our journey to create a business, we had to plan and design many different ideas. We started with some basic craft ideas such as painted CD’s and shattered mirrors. We then came up with the idea of creating and decorating custom cakes. Since we weren’t able to reach the requirements we needed we had to change ideas again. Changing our ideas multiple times showed our capabilities of resilience and creativity.

After a long process of exploring different ideas, we finally decided to make dog treats. To make, package and sell the treats took a lot of work and we had to be very organised. Problems would come up a lot such as treats needing to stay cold or not having decorations set up for the stall.

After our first market and batch of products we decided to improve what we had done. We started by adjusting the recipe to create a better biscuit, one that wouldn’t break. We set goals for how much we wanted to sell and how much we wanted to earn.

The most challenging part of setting up the business was effective communication and collaboration. We struggled to tell each other what needed to be done and if not everyone put in the same amount of work things got difficult.

We covered all of our expenses after the first market with profit for each of us. Our second market didn’t do as well since no one actually came. At the third market we are hoping to sell out all of our products and anything from it is profit. Overall we did really well and profited from our business from both money and the skills we improved.

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