Health Project Term 1: Role Models and Me

How important it is for us to recognise our heroes!

– Maya Angelou

My Core Values

Respect is important to me, because I believe that is how everyone should be treated, with respect. For me, having a successful friendship comes with having respect for each other, or even a friendship with a person older than you. Respect is how I believe all values should be based.

Family relationships are very important to me, because I always have believed that friendships come and go, but family is forever. This value affects my everyday life, because I value my family, and I treat my family with kindness. Even though I sometimes don’t get along with them, I always know they will be there.

Trust is extremely important to me. I don’t like it when someone I am close to lies to me, or tells someone else my personal things that I’ve told them, because it makes me feel like a lesser person. Trust is how I base most of my relationships with my friends and family, and I make sure that other people can trust me when they need it.

Good Role Model: Chloe Lukasiak

Chloe Lukasiak has multiple videos on her YouTube channel about what she eats in a day, and her night routine/morning routine, workout routines, and her Instagram profile is always  photos of her in outfits. She is a kind, caring person that demonstrates the value of self – respect, and never giving up.

Chloe is very fit, and she is extremely healthy, considering the fact she suffered from multiple eating disorders in her teenage years . She suffered from body dysmorphia, and bulimia. She is very pretty, and looks after herself in a way that I haven’t seen from some people before.

She always repeats this quote, ‘everything happens for a reason’. This quote helps me see the world in a different view, because knowing the fact that everything happens for a reason, reassures me that I shouldn’t’ dwell on the bad things that happen.

Younger people should look up to Chloe because she promotes healthy eating and a self respecting lifestyle. She is passionate about life, has a quirky personality, and demonstrates good healthy habits.

Chloe Lukasiak - YouTube
Chloe Lukasiak

Bad Role Model: 50 Cent

50 cent has gone through many things in his life, that reflect his bad decisions. Many people love his music, but he has made bad decisions in his life that have led to  consequences. He has been through substance abuse, many abuse allegations that led to a 2 years jail sentence. He is also throwing a party for not having to pay ‘support wages’ for his child, which is really erratic.

50 cent looks healthy from the outside, he looks very fit, but he has made many bad decisions that have affected his health, such as drug trafficking, and alcohol abuse.

50 cent has been sued for millions of dollars, because he showed and unhealthy relationship towards his son. He threw a party celebrating that he didn’t have to pay for his son’s support funds. This shows that he doesn’t care about the good people in his life and takes advantage of the little things he should be grateful for. 

Personally, I don’t think young people should look up to 50 cent, because he has been under the influence of drugs and unhealthy alcohol abuse, and doesn’t show a strong line of values.

No, absolutely not. While things you see in the media might be true, the journalists usually put a opinions on the stories to make you think a certain way. You have to be careful with what you take in as information.

How 50 Cent got his 'Southpaw' body - and the meditating tip he learned  from Deepak Chopra - Los Angeles Times
50 cent


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