Health Project: Binge Drinking

What did you learn by completing this assessment?

I learned so much from this assessment, especially about binge drinking and how it affects different people in different ways. I learnt especially that it isn’t worth it to binge drink for the attention, or the purpose of fitting in, because, in the long run, it’s really not worth it. For the collaborative side of this project, I really think the workload was spread evenly among us and we all had good intentions coming into this project. I learnt that it is best to brainstorm ideas and know what everyone’s thoughts are before just jumping into the project with no end goal in mind.

What advice would you to young teenagers?

Don’t ever feel like you aren’t good enough because you don’t drink alcohol, and never let anyone control how you live your life. You are better than that and you have your whole life ahead of you to drink. You also have your whole life ahead of you, full of opportunities and don’t ruin that chance by making a decision that was made in impulse and peer pressure. I would give this advice to anyone, because peer pressure is a major problem in this society, and teenagers especially are succumbed to this daily. It is also good to know for yourself that no one is allowed to be in control of your decisions, and know that one bad decision can affect the way people look at you

Write a pledge that you will commit to if you start drinking at the legal age of 18.

I commit to drinking responsibly by only drinking the legal limit of drinks, always making sure I’m under the limit when I drive, and never letting alcohol influence the way I behave in front of people. I will never let alcohol take over my state of mind. I don’t want to ruin my relationships with people because I’ve drunk too much, Or ruin my reputation with people, and I don’t want to compromise my health because I made a decision to drink.   I also don’t want people to see a negative side to me when I am under the influence of alcohol.   

Some photos from the presentation:

Our group presentation
Me participating in another group

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