My Pledge
What were the biggest things you learned while at the RACbstreetsmart excursion? | The biggest things that I learnt at the RAC StreetSmart excursion were about the dangers of distracted driving (including texting, using smartphones, changing music), the dangers of impaired driving (including driving under the influence of alcohol which can decrease reaction time and decision making), speeding (referring to going over the set speed limit which could lead to detrimental car crashes), the importance of seatbelts (in the event of an accident, wearing seatbelts will prevent you from flying outside the car and injuring yourself further), the effect of peer pressure (especially at younger ages, people can force you to do actions that you do not want to do.) |
What one piece of advice would you pass on to young drivers above all else? Why? | The one piece of advice that I would pass onto all drivers would be to stay focused and avoid distractions while driving. This is because distractions are a leading cause of car accidents and crashes among young drivers. These distractions could come in the form of eating, drinking, looking at your phone, texting, talking, or not paying enough attention to road. |
Write down a pledge that you will commit to when you start driving. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments? | I aim to be a driver who is: Following all the required laws when driving, including wearing a seatbelt at all times, drinking below the standard alcohol limit, driving below the speed limits etc. To be calm, respectful, safe, and don’t show aggression. Do not use your phone when driving, especially no texting while driving. How I will stick to these commitments: By entering the destination into the GPS before I start driving. For non-urgent communications, wait until you have parked safelyFor urgent communications, pull over. Set up “Do Not Disturb” on the phone while drivingAdhere to the driving laws in the region as much as possible. Wait a certain amount of time, so that the blood alcohol level reduces, and you are able to drive safely. |
Made by: Tejas Morisetty, Jamie Kim, Diego Bagworth