The Illuminate festival occurred on the Wednesday of Week 4. The event was an oppurtunity for Year 8 students to demonstrate their Project X progress over the last semester, and it allowed us to portray our creativity. Inspired by Robert Benavidez, our mission was to create a decorated pinata. Whilst cultivating this structure, I had to employ a variety of different capabilities to best benefit the final product, and my own personal learning journey.

To begin the process of design we first needed to create multiple sketches of possible mythical creatures that we could use. These three designs were carefully and meticulously created over 2 weeks. Through the use of shading and sketching we made our designs much more realistic and complex. During this process I used my inquisitiveness and asked, “How can I improve / develop my design?”. After I finished, I ended up choosing my llama sketch, and I pursued this with a colour scheme. I tried to create a colour pallet which resembled the galaxy.

Eventually I started working with my partner, Rohan, and we both had to work well together in order to achieve our goals in the time limit. Overall, we worked relatively well together as we both communicated with each other respectfully and we expressed any ideas or concerns that we had. Sometimes during this process, it was difficult to make progress, as Rohan and I were frequently sick therefore we missed many chances to continue with our work. To solve these problems, we needed to be organised and set goals for ourselves each lesson. By the end of every class, we tried to finish a certain aspect of our design, so we could track progress and see what else needs to be done.
Overall, our finished pinata was very colourful, and it was similar to the colour pallet I had in mind. Making the artwork was hard work, but it definitely improved my collaboration skills.

In my opinion, the festival was a huge success. It allowed us to showcase our artistic skills, and it was fascinating to see the parents react to our artwork. Initially I was tentative about the festival, however looking back, I am very happy that I was able to enjoy such wonderful experience. This semester has been a huge step for my learning growth, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my improvements in hard-work, collaboration, and many more things.