During Term 3 the year 7’s were given the opportunity to redesign Fremantle Port. The main purpose of the redevelopment was to create a place where all people thrive. We were instructed to include the UN global goals and the livability factors into our redesign. We were inspired by all the talks we had in InnovatED to include these factors which little did we know would become massive elements in this rebuild.
Within humanities we learnt about the livability factors which are major aspects in what make a livable community and a place where all people thrive. The livability factors contain of climate, environmental quality, access to healthcare and education, infrastructure and safety and stability but for the subjective factors they include personal likes and dislikes, feeling of connection to friends and family and traditional + spiritual connection. From there we chose to include access to education, environmental quality and traditional and spiritual connection. For environmental quality we have included many plants which assist with soil and sand erosion and also help with getting rid of carbon/oxygen production from the environment. Also since were taking away cars our transport will be more sustainable and there will be less production of noise pollution. As for access to education and traditional + spiritual connections we have designed an aboriginal indigenous culture center to teach people about the traditional aspects of the land of Fremantle. We have also included a food area where people can also learn about the traditional foods which they used to eat including witchetty grubs and bush taka and even try some.
During InnovatED we looked at the Sustainable development goals which are a set of 17 goals which create an eco-friendly/sustainable environment. So, for the UN Global goals my group and I centred our focus on the following goals of climate action, no hunger, life on land, affordable and clean energy, responsible consumption and sustainable cities. For sustainable cities we have chosen to implement solar panels on all our buildings and use algae as biofuel. For responsible consumption/production we have tried as much as possible to prevent waste of anything including food waste which we have compost bins for, energy waste which we use sustainable energy so it’s reusable and we use solar panels on all the buildings. For life on land we have included plenty of greenery, spread all around the development but we have picked a fine selection which don’t need lots of water and are easy to take care of. For climate action we made sure we were being 100% eco-friendly and that we aren’t going to have any sort of contamination including things like pollution.
Sustainability is what makes an eco-friendly environment with no production of waste. Sustainability was a big aspect in the redesign of Fremantle. So for transport we wanted to make it as environmentally friendly as possible so for our design we included bikes, electric cars, public transport which takes away the problem of cars and then for the bikes we will have renting stations for whoever needs them. As for the elderly they are going to be using golf carts with assigned drivers to drive them around the port as some elderly aren’t very mobile and it’s a lot more sustainable. For our food resources we are going to have garden beds growing natural things like mint etc. but for the food materials we are going to be using paper straws, paper spoons and metal straws which will be able to be purchased at most straws. For our energy sources we are going to be using algae as biofuel and putting solar panels on all of our buildings.
ASC Capabilities-
During InnovatED we looked at the ASC Capabilities to deepen our thinking during the process of the redesign. They help us to make connections within our learning and become more productive whilst working. Without these capabilities Project Utopia would never have come to life.
Talking with Mrs Lockwood
Overall I think my group and I had good communication skills. We would listen to each others ideas and really think to ourselves if it could become something. When someone had an idea we would try to find ways to improve the idea and make it stronger. Lets say for e.g. I had an idea about putting solar panels on buildings my group would listen to my idea and give me constructive feedback which would help me think outside the box more and dig deeper in my thinking.
Organization is something I think my group and I were all over the place with. Sometimes we would have good management skills other times not so much. For e.g. during the last few weeks of the project my group and I really stuck down and pushed through everything as precious time was slipping away without us even realizing it. We would set goals for ourselves so that no one was wasting time for e.g. someone would print photos whilst the other would glue whilst another was finding images. Something like prioritizing is something we weren’t so good at as we didn’t realize time would go so fast so we left a lot of work until the last moment.
Public Speaking Skills-
As for speaking skills I am not the most confident person so that bit was quite of a struggle for me. Some things I could have refined were to have more eye contact with the people I was talking to and slow down whilst I was talking because I was speeding so I could just finish as soon as possible. Even though I know this isn’t one of my greatest strengths I am still proud of myself for just pushing through and giving it a shot.
Vision Board-
A vision board is a collage of images and words which show us someone’s goals or things they want and gives us motivation towards a certain thing. Since the purpose of the vision board was to give us inspiration as to how we wanted to design Fremantle port we included a section towards transport for example so we included golf carts for the elderly with assigned drivers to get them around the port because some of them aren’t very mobile and then we inserted a photo of golf carts as this was something we wanted to include in the redesign. For the cultural aspect of the vision board we included the original aboriginal foods including bush tucker.
Vision Board
Bush Tucker Golf Carts for the elderly
Overall project Utopia has been an incredible experience. It has taught me so much about creating a place where all people thrive and given me a real insight on the world. I was able to connect with new people that I wouldn’t normally talk to and create new relationships. Something that I learnt about myself is that I can be quite controlling sometimes when I want something done in a certain way for e.g. my group mate would print something it in a certain way but I want it done the other way I would make them print it again. In conclusion this has been an amazing journey and I am so proud of my group and I for what we achieved and I can’t wait to see us all progress throughout the term.