Safe Driving in WA

Campaign AD:

Planning a road safety campaign:

Why is Road Safety an issue for younger people?

Road safety is an issue for younger people because most are inexperienced in driving and are much more prone to making mistakes. Especially during hours where vision is partially impaired such as night time. Younger drivers also lack the maturity that older more experienced drivers possess which could lead them to make rash decisions and take unnecessary risks.

Reducing P driver crash risk : VicRoads
Late-night crashes


Why is this source reliable for young drivers to refer to?

The source above is reliable for young drivers to refer to as it contains a balance of humor and seriousness. Funny things tend to stay in the mind of younger audiences. The message is also short and sharp. Long paragraphs of information will deter young drivers.


What results do you want to achieve?

The results of this campaign are simple. It is so young drivers will drive safe and only whilst sober.


What information does the target audience need to know?

The target audience is young drivers from All Saints’ College. These new drivers need to be aware of the dangers of driving under the influence and/or illicit substances.


Why is the message going to influence young drivers?

This message will influence younger drivers in All Saints’ College because of its sharp and to the point message and its humor via turning a fellow Student (Howard Shen) into a fictional authority figure. With a familiar face and easy message it has a high chance of staying in the heads of young All Saints’ drivers when behind the wheel.


What is the best way to deliver this message?

The best way to deliver this message is by placing the poster in places where it will be easily viewed by the target audience. In this case a social media site such as Instagram or a common place of meet within campus grounds such as the canteen are ideal locations.


How will the campaign be presented to young drivers?

This campaign will be presented to young drivers through website links or the previously mentioned areas (Social Media, common areas on campus etc.)


E-portfolio questions:

What were the biggest things you learnt while completing this task?

The biggest thing I learnt while completing the task is time management. While this is unrelated to driving it is the most prominent thing I learnt. Health is a subject that doesn’t appear as priority compared to other subjects such as Math or English. However it does provide information worth retaining. So during this task I learnt how to balance Health with the other subjects I had to do. While this wasn’t easy, especially with Math and HASS exams looming closer. I did get much better at staying on top of all the subjects that demanded things of me. As for the subject matter. The biggest thing I learnt was the use of headlights during different times in the day. Before learning this I had no idea that a car could dim its lights. However now thinking back it would be quite dangerous if they couldn’t as it poses a threat to drivers in lanes moving towards you.


What is one piece of advice you would want to pass onto young drivers above all else?

I myself am not an experienced driver. In fact I have never even driven a car. However if I did have some advice to give drivers even more junior to myself it would probably be to know your car. All cars are different. Of course they all have an something resembling an engine and most have 4 wheels. However knowing how your car drives and its limits can be the difference between life and death. Yes, these life-threatening situations are rare but its better to be safe than sorry.


Write a pledge that you will commit to when you start driving. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments?


I, Ayush Atre pledge to be the safest driver I can be once I receive my drivers license. I will also possess a responsibility to my car: which I will service whenever needed, My passengers: whom I will protect whilst I am behind the wheel. An example of this will be not taking unnecessary risks no matter what, and myself whilst always following traffic rules and consistently making the best decision in any given situation.

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