Year 9 camp reflection

As we cooked dinner on Year 9 camp, the capability that my group improved on was Teamwork.

The destination was a remote place called Kalbarri. Since we were out in the
bush. We had to sleep in tents every night and cook in horrible little pots
called Trangias. They contained: bowls, chopping boards, blunt utensils, and a
place to light our fire. Now, having to cook in the sand every day was bad
enough. But to make matters worse, I was vegetarian. The only vegetarian in the
group. This created problems when working in cooking groups. I was fortunate
enough to be placed in a group with a good friend. But the other two members
were two students who, at first, didn’t take kindly to the fact that there was
another mouth to feed, one that couldn’t eat meat. That first night we were
deemed the messiest group as we didn’t work as a team, the cutting was uneven,
and the ingredients were all put late. It tasted, horrible. As we moved campsites,
our group managed to make a mess at every location. The group was so bad that
teachers even offered for me to work with a cleaner group.

I refused. 

This is because something had changed by then. Yes, we were messy, and we barely cooked anything good. But over all the time we spent cleaning up our mess, I found that I developed a connection with my group members. Not only strengthening the one with my friend but even a friendship with the other two.

By the end of camp, our final meal cooked as a group was perfect. We had divided our responsibilities between us and split the vegetarian and non-vegetarian section without flaw. We finally reached a level where we worked well together as group.

The internet! (Health)

The internet is wonderful thing! it allows us to connect our ideas with people all around the world. We can post whatever we want, Share ideas, laugh and cry. But since so many people have access to the internet it can be dangerous. Horrible rude people can hate, trash-talk and bully. This can ruin someones self-esteem. But this doesn’t mean we shut off all connection with the internet. The world is moving to a digital age and we need to be ready to matter what comes our way!

In health I have been learning about online behavior and what we can do to be safe while online. I use google, Youtube, instagram, whatsapp etc. These apps can be dangerous but this unit taught myself and my class how to stay vigilant while posting.

In the unit, we covered critical thinking, Empathy, respect and responsibility.


Critical thinking is being able to analyse what your doing carefully and know if it’s worth doing or not. In class we watched a video about a boy and is friend who saw a video about someone jumping off a bridge. They were going to attempt this. But luckily they both used critical thinking and they chose not to do it. Critical thinking can be applied to the internet when posting a post, the post you send could affect someone and critical thinking could prevent you from posting something nasty.


Empathy is putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and feeling how they are feeling. The video we watched in class showed a boy listening to a band until he noticed on the Tv a boy surrounded by destruction but has a shirt with the same logo of the band. This made the boy realize that no matter where someone is everyone is the equal. This is just a visual representation of empathy. Empathy can be applied to online behavior when you are commenting on someones post. you can put yourself in their shoes and feel how they feel if someone wrote a hate comment. How would you feel if someone wrote a nasty comment on your posts online?


Respect is being kind and humble to everyone who is different and have different opinions, experiences and background. Since the internet is all around the world it isn’t rare to find different people. With respect you could gain followers and friends. Everyone likes someone who is respectful. I know I would. Respect is also not just for fellow classmates or parents. In a classroom you have to show respect towards the classroom and it’s rules.


Responsibility is a thing you don’t just need online. You almost need it for everything! But online responsibility is being responsible for things you post, and owning up to mistakes. Responsibility also lies with friendship. If you are good friends with someone you have a responsibility as their friend to help them out in times of need, be nice to them, stand by them. The list goes on. Uncle Ben said to spider-man before he died “with great power comes great responsibility” These are great words with an even greater meaning.

Finally, In health we learn’t about a lot of things. Luckily they all tie together. The result of that is an almost perfect guide to staying safe on the internet. The internet is a versatile yet dangerous place and we need to keep safe. This health unit taught me a lot and hopefully it taught whoever is reading this. And remember “with great power comes great responsibility” -Uncle ben.