Cerys Webb

Aug 31


Many people might think that brains are a fixed mindset, where if you can’t do something the first go or believe you can’t do it, you’ll believe you won’t be able to complete the task. Well, this isn’t true as the brain can be trained to be open-minded meaning you believe that anything you want to achieve is possible.

Training your brain:

Being open-minded can be hard if you have a record of having a fixed mindset but believing that you can become open-minded is the first step to not have a fixed mindset. Training your brain is simple as playing a few brain games such as the memory game. After practising/playing these games you can see clear improvements inside the brain.


-Grit is the tendency to keep interested in a long-term goal. In class, we wrote a paragraph individually about our own grit idols. My idol was Louis Tomlinson as he has been put through a lot over the recent years and he is still continuing his passion. Grit is related to resilience as their needs both mean to not give up when something gets tricky.


-Happiness is a mindset, for example, you can see the light in the small things instead of ignoring them is a mindset. Hating someone you are draining your energy towards them instead of the energy being used somewhere that you enjoy. Nick Vujicic is a disabled person who does not label himself as a disabled person and he has grit as he does all the normal human activities and he makes the small things the highlight of his day.

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