[INNOVATE-ED] $20 Boss Innovate[ED] Reflection (2020)

$20 Boss is a program held at All Saints, Where we take a loan from the school of 20 dollars (per person). Then we make groups of about 2-5 people, then they think of ideas for a product to sell in the ‘end of year markets’. I made a group with 4 other people, Aaron, Jing, Toby, Jet and I. Our product/service that we designed is a company called CUZTM, We buy water bottles from a store (e.g: Kmart $6.75), take off any stickers, spray paint them with a primer, then hydro dip the water bottles with a chosen set of colors. On the market day we sold each bottle for $12, gaining $5.25.

The Profits would be carefully divided and re-invested back into the business, meaning we could buy more water bottles and paint to gain more profit. At the end of the second market we made $108 in profit. This is a major difference to the other groups. There were only a couple of groups that made this much, Thus meaning that this is a sign that we are a more effective business. Thinking out side of the box.

Also another part of $20 Boss, is to build our ingenuity, creativity and problem solving skills. I have definitely build a stronger set of problem solving skills. In our business there was a lot of problems happening all of the time that needed fixing, and I have found better ways to solve these problems, meaning that i have learnt more which is the goal of this class.


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