House Councillor 2020-2021

At the end of year 8, we were asked if we wanted to become a part of the House or Arts Council in 2020. I have been at the College since Year 7, and throughout these years, I have constantly looked up to all the Council Members at the school. Becoming a part of that would not only be a great learning experience for me, but also a way to help give back to the school, as that have done so much for me.

At first, we were given an application to fill in, something that I had only done a few times, meaning that it was already was a learning experience for me. I had to talk about why I wanted to be a part of the house council, my qualities, skills, achievements, and other topics that are normally provided when applying for a position. After extensively filling in the application, I had to send it back to my tutor teacher, who would then sign it and send it on to my head of house.

A few weeks later I got an email telling me that my application was successful, and I was one of the fortunate students in my house that had made it into our achieved this role. Therefore getting the opportunity to take part in many activities that will provide me with the skills I need in life.

Being part of the house council was a huge learning experience for me, as I was one of the youngest, so I had many older students to look up to and learn from. The main things I learnt from being on the house council was to always offer suggestions and advice, as that is what people want, and need to hear to learn, and become better. I also learnt that communication doesn’t stop at meetings, or verbal conversations, you should always make sure you check your emails and follow- up on meetings you missed or events you are helping out at.

Not only this, but we ran many event that taught me how to plan in advance for a successful and smooth running operation.

The house council is made up of Year nines-twelves, so I applied again this year with the same application process, and successfully got in! This experience has helped me so much to grow as a person, so I hope next year will help me just as much to learn more!

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