OLP camp English

The All Saints College Out Door Learning week for year nines was at Kalbarri roughly a 6 hour drive from Perth. We were separated into groups and over the week we did many tasks such as rock climbing, abseiling, hiking and cooking. At some points students had to take a leadership role or had to work together and communicate for jobs to work more effectively. The main thing we learned were skills we would use in the future and how to interact.


During the camp working well in a team meant that we could proactively get through challenges that were presented to us. An example of this is when we were rock climbing in the gorges, communication was key so other members could succeed. Being able to direct people onto where they needed to position their hands or their feet as they couldn’t find the holes and they might be focusing on other things. Also volunteering to carry things such as food or pans was a way of helping out the team so others didn’t have to.


Leadership was required during cooking at camp. Every night we had to prepare and cook our own meal in the same group. So taking a leadership role meant our group could be organised and eat on time. Another time I showed leadership was when we did team activities such as tarp volleyball, taking a leadership role helped our team to succeed in the game.

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