Health reflection- online safety

In health this term we have been learning about online safety. In my opinion this is a very important topic to learn because way to many incidents have occurred online like what happened to Dolly Parton.

At the beginning of this unit I was using Instagram and I still do but I have learnt how to be a lot safer and the consequences that can happen if I am not responsible on social media. To be responsible means to respect the trust that others have in you and to have critical thinking when typing comments and posting things online.

I have learnt many things in this health unit but for me the main one would be to think what the effect the things you’re doing online would have to the person on the other side of the screen. Just because you are saying things online doesn’t make it OK to say Nasty things that you would never even dream about saying to their face.

I now know that if at any stage I feel uncomfortable or upset when I’m using social media I should talk to somebody and sort it out. I am lucky that I have people in my life that would comfort me unlike other people, they fell like they are alone when bad things happen online.

in the future I will always ensure that I think before I post anything and see if this could hurt anybody in any way. I will always make sure that I respect the trust that my parents and others have in me to be responsible online.

Overall, this topic has taught me heaps of things that I will be sure to use in the future when dealing with social media.

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