Christmas market- Reflection

In term 4 this year we worked on the Christmas market. The Christmas market is when years 5,6,7,8,9 can come and buy a product that we have made in our groups. 

The purpose of the Christmas market was to teach us the challenges of owning a business. Many people went off and decided to make their own business from what they learnt off the Christmas market. 

We were able to choose our groups but everyone had to be from our class and in my group I had Myself, Suzy, Emma and Pearl.

The product that we ended up making was not our first choice as it took a while to get everybody to agree on a product that we all liked. The product that we ended up making was yarn Christmas trees and we also did hair braiding. The way that we made our yarn Christmas trees was that we would do the yarn in glue and then wrap it around a cone. It took 1-2 days to dry which meant that we couldn’t work on it the couple days that we had before the Christmas market. I regret doing this product because we had a lot of faulty items as we hadn’t wrapped enough yarn around the base of the tree and it also took a while to dry.

Although a couple things went wrong our final product ended up looking really good and we sold out! We braided approximately 15 peoples hair which earned us a lot of extra money. We made a profit of $33 which is more than expected so we are happy with that 🙂

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