Leo Club Movie Night (Term 3)

The LEO Club, which is a branch off from the main Lions Club in Bullcreek, planned a Movie Night for the 23rd of June 2023. However, we were faced with multiple challenges which prevented us from doing so. Hence why we have decided to move it to term 3 of 2023 instead. The following is the purpose of the movie night and also some parts of the relevant process.

This movie night aimed to raise awareness for skin cancer prevention from a young age. We firstly raised awareness for skin cancer by speaking at the end of Chapel. Fellow club member Olivia Loke and I went to each chapel session to speak about the night and also inform the audience on some statistics surrounding skin cancer.

The process to make this movie night real and put to action was a long and tiring method. The Club actually started planning the movie night since the end of 2022, but it took us quite a while to figure out the ropes of how we could make the move night as great and awesome as possible for the audience to enjoy.

The process took many emails and talking back and forth to staff and the relevant captains. We had to figure out how to access our budget for the movie night, organize which venues we were permitted to use, and also what movie we were going to watch.

My role in the process was to keep track of the advertising side of things. This included writing a speech for Chapel talks, as well as compile a research document for fellow member Senuka Jayasekara. Other than that, I sent out a few important emails to staff in order to loan items from the offices and also to figure out when was a suitable time for LEO club advertising.

The overall planning experience was enjoyable and very valuable as I learned to communicate effectively and honed my time management skills. I am glad that I was able to participate in such a wonderful event.

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