British Parliamentary Debating (update and tips)

One the 14th of September, 2019. My partner, Jin and I went to compete in the BP Debating. So basically, BP is a style of debating. Instead of the normal three people on one team. It’s four people one one team. But we call a team a bench. So your Bench is going to be…

Water carrying task

In HASS, we got to experience what people without sufficient water felt like. We had to carry about 15-20L of water over a distance of 100m. I already felt so tired and struggled to even hold the water jug. Imagine, some people have to carry that amount of water 20km or more twice a day!…


One of my many passions is debating. Ever since my sister started to compete in Inter school debating, I’ve always wanted to learn how to debate and compete in debates as well. When I came to All Saints’, I remember always checking to see if the Co-curricular link was up on Seqta yet. When the…

British Parliamentary Debating

On the 15th of September, I’ll be competing in British Parliamentary debating against other schools at Murdoch University. This type of debating is very different to normal debating, which you compete in teams of three. But in BP, we compete in teams of two. The debate is divided into two ‘houses’: the Government who proposes…

Bake Sale! Sausage Sizzle! Movie!

Our Innovat[ED] team is hosting a bake sale next Thursday, 12th of September at lunch time.  We will be having a sausage sizzle as well on that day! Join InnovatEd Year 7 students as they campaign for Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Peoples by showing SBS film ‘Connection to Country’ When: Thursday  12th of September 2019…