Year 9 Camp Kalbarri

Leadership is an important skill for both school and life after. It gives the ability to work effectively and be confident about taking responsibility. Year 9 Camp was a 6-day long adventure at Kalbarri that helped me, and many other people improve their teamwork and leadership skills.

During year 9 camp, I displayed leadership through many ways, one of which being organising and giving instructions to my group about packing the food for the week. This job was not given to me as a leader, but I saw that no one was stepping up to help collect and sort our food. This originally was already taking almost an hour to do. My group didn’t have any sort of plan, but after I took the role as the leader we had somewhat of a plan.

I began to give people different roles to collect the foods, as well as collecting them myself and our group was working a lot better. Piles of carrots and tomatoes and mushrooms were all laid out ready to be packed away. For this task I had to always be speaking loudly and clearly to give instructions. A difficult part of this was speaking to everyone who I didn’t usually talk to and trying not to sound bossy. When giving instructions, I felt like I was just telling everyone what to do and I felt bad about it. I had worked through this challenge by letting people decide what to get at the beginning, and just getting them to tell me what they are getting to make sure we don’t double up.

Through this experience I was able to develop my leadership skills as I was able to gain confidence in organising and speaking to larger groups. This will help me in the future if I want to take up any opportunities within leadership at the school.