Dwellingup Day Trip – LOCK

At the start of term 2, we had to opportunity to go to Dwellingup on Tuesday the 3rd of May. we engaged in three different activities, kayaking, bush cooking and tree climbing. These were an extension of what we had been doing in class.

The first activity was kayaking, which was unfortunately cut short due to roadworks and getting there very late. we used our skills that we learnt throughout the doubles in class of the basics of kayaking and rescue. We also played a game of nations, as well as sitting and appreciating our surroundings.

Afterwards we were bush cooking, which included making the fire and the food. From this activity I learnt new skills that I didn’t learn at school because of the new area. I also improved my skills of preparation, because we couldn’t just borrow materials from the college. We needed to plan how much to cook for people, as well as what order to cook. This was my favourite activity as we could just sit around the fire and talk to our friends. I used my skills of teamwork as well as effective communication so we could have lunch that day.

Our final activity was tree climbing, which need less skills than what we learnt in class. Since we were holding ourselves up with carabiners, it was mainly focused oh how we climbed and completed the courses.

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