Health Keys for Life Assessment

I based my road safety campaign on the issue of drinking and driving, as the target audience being new/young drivers. The biggest things I learnt while completing this task was how at risk young drivers are. out of those who were killed on the roads in Australia, 1 in 5 of them were between the ages of 17-25. this is the same for those who were seriously injured, with 1 in 4 of those effected being 17-25. drivers are also most at risk in their first year of driving.

One piece of advice I would pass on to young drivers is to never be afraid to pull over / turn off the music if feeling stressed or overwhelmed, or that drinking and driving should never be an option. Never feel obliged to have to drive, friends, adults and ubers are always available.

I pledge that when I start driving I will always follow the road rules / never break them out of my own convenience. I will also never drive with alcohol in my system or being extremely fatigued, so I don’t but myself and others at risk. I am choosing to commit to these because I know how dangerous driving is, and I don’t want easily avoidable things to put other people or myself at risk of injury or death. I know will stick to these commitments, and I will do so by always having another way of getting home if I feel I am not fit for driving, as well as taking deep breaths and relaxing if stressed.

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