Science Sleek Gleeks Project 2022 Term2

What is the project you have been working on?  What are the success criteria for the competition (i.e. how will your video be assessed)? 

Marking criteria on the left side

The competition is about creating an entertaining video, the video must be entertaining, but also must be teaching some science. However, the video must be on a theme, this year’s theme was Change. The way the video would be assessed is in the image below.

Our Video

How did you organise your group? Did each person have specific roles? Did each person have the opportunity to contribute their ideas?  How would you improve your work in this aspect if you had another opportunity to repeat the project?

Unfair workload diagram on the right

Our group was organised by having assigned roles. This occurred especially during research as the members of our group were delegated a question(s) to research. Because of this strategy, we were all able to share our ideas as well as complete a relatively equal amount of work efficiently. Also, when actually making our video, we needed to have roles according to our skills and strengths. For example, those who were good at drawing would likely be given the role of illustrating for the stop motion video. To improve our work we could have balanced more work during the filming phase as people were left out due to the lack of work.

Did your group have any disagreements? What strategies did you use to resolve these conflicts? How would you improve your work in this aspect if you had another opportunity to repeat the project?

We didn’t have many disagreements in the project as all of us were happy to do whatever. We chose to do photosynthesis since we thought it would be the coolest topic to do. When doing the recording or making the storyboard we didn’t run into any disagreements. We were all happy to do stop-motion because we had the resources to do it.

How did your group manage your time? Did you finish the project on time? How would you improve your work in this aspect if you had another opportunity to repeat the project?

Our group was able to manage our time effectively despite the short amount of time we had to complete this video. At the start of the term, we all discussed what we wanted to do and what we wanted to finish in the remaining periods we were allocated. This meant we were able to set goals for ourselves to try and achieve them. The main reason I believe we were able to do so was because of our ability to stay focused on the task and not get distracted by other groups. Sometimes, people outside of your group can be a distraction due to their loud noise or interferences which can really hinder a group’s progress.

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