20-dollar boss Reflection



The 20 dollar boss project was a huge success as we made $610 in Revenue


Design Thinking process

In this project, we followed the design thinking process by brainstorming ideas on what product we can make and how we will make the product. For example, at first, we were going to make puzzles. So we prototyped and realised that lasercuting each puzzle took too long and also the product may not sell. So, we brainstormed new ideas and concluded by making keychains. Then we made prototypes and talked about the positives and negatives, by asking for feedback and asking the target audience if they would buy them. Then we made mass production, and then it was time for the market itself. We also made custom orders and managed to make around 400 dollars.

The Design thinking process is a very good process to follow especially when making a business as you will need market information(feedback) and you will need prototypes of your actual product. That is how we used the design thinking process when making our business.


We used the college capabilities to build our business as the capabilities were very important in order to maintain a business.

Creativity – In order to make the business you need creative ideas that will sell on the market day. You need ideas that could be of use, and could appeal to a certain audience.

Problem Solving – Problem solving is needed to maintain a business as when you fall into a problem you need to get right back up. For example, my group found out that our puzzle took to long to lazercut, so were afraid about how much profit we were actually going to make. Than we problem solved, and thought of a new product idea(keychains-lasercut).

Organised – We had to be organised in order to maintain the business as we needed to know as CEO’s how many products we had and how much money we had. If we were not organised, we would have made less money.

Effective communication – We had communicated effectively in our group as we all knew what was going to happen on market day and in preparation. We were connected through Microsoft teams when we were not present at school.

Custom Orders

This is an excel spreadsheet on our custom orders

To Do list on our custom designs. it is shared between everyone for effective communication

Some of our Keychain Products

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