My Reflection on 2020

2020 so far has been such a strange year. Last year, I had no idea that soon I would not be able to see friends for weeks and that a virus would take the world by storm.

This period of time has challenged my social skills and independent learning but I feel I have emerged stronger and a better person.

Personally, I learnt that I am very much dependent on technology and that I actually work really well by myself as I find it easier to focus when I am not distracted by my friends. I also really missed all of my friends, which I feel affected my mental well being, but i combated this issue by Skyping all of my friends whenever I could.  I feel that this period of time was necessary for me to reboot and gently ease back into school life.

In terms of my family, I learnt that I get along really well with my Dad, but I need to give my sister and Mum some space as I can be annoying. I also realised that my family always want to do stuff, whereas i enjoy staying at home. For some reason though my parents wouldn’t give me a break and I found myself constantly doing jobs and helping out around the house.

In terms of my community, I learnt that we work really well at school and that some subjects work really well online whereas others do not. I also really enjoyed skyping my friends and catching up on work during the student led day. I didnt like how many microsoft forms we had to fill out and i feel a this was an ineffiect method.



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