English Validation

The task I chose to review was Task 2b, Close the Gap poster.

The teacher feedback I received said that I used colour, imagery, and symbolism effectively to portray Close the Gap positively. The thing to work on was to change some of the wording to more positive to encourage target audience to support the cause.

One thing I am proud of with this assessment was my use of colour. I sometimes struggle with conveying meaning through colour because of the multiple different meaning’s colours can have. I spent lots of time experimenting with the colour with my drafts, trying to balance meaning while also still looking professional. The colour in this poster conveys a deeper meaning as it shows the aboriginal flag distinctly, I took a gamble when working on this aspect as I thought at first that it would look scrappy.

I’m also very proud of the symbolism I have portrayed through the divided Australia. This shows how Australia is divided by the racial injustice and inequality. I chose to show this through the shape of Australia because it shows that it’s not just a small group of people and that the whole of Australia is unequal because of this racism.

The soft skills I used during this assessment were creativity and problem solving. I used creativity when trying to come up with the design and wording for the information. I feel like I was very creative with this task and used my skills to create a poster with multiple levels of interpretation by using symbols and imagery to convey the meaning that I wanted. I used problem solving when making the poster in photoshop as I was new to the software. I spent about an hour learning the basics to successfully create my poster. Another way I used problem solving was when trying to pick colours as the text couldn’t be seen as it was over two different colours. I changed the values of colour until it looked good and was readable.

Next time I am given a similar opportunity, I feel that I will be able to apply my newfound soft skills and use of colour and symbolism to create an even better Poster

-Jamie Snow

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