My experience as a Year 8 Service Representative

In 2022 I had the opportunity to be a Service Representative. It was an experience that taught me about the real world and about perspective. In this role I had to work with the Head of Catalyst and 7 other students in my cohort to plan and facilitate multiple service programs throughout the school like the Mountain of Warmth, the Parish Food Collection and the Christmas Collection in which we collected gifts that students had donated and gave them to the Salvation Army. I had been a Service Captain in Junior School before but it mostly focused on the duties of weekly chapel services which was a great experience for me at the time but in my role in Year 8 it really made me aware about hands on service. What I mean is it made me understand just how many people didn’t have their basic needs met within our local community and by knowing this, I could help people like as a Service Rep which made me motivated to lead and work for such an important cause. I also learnt about the value of teamwork. The mountain of warmth for example was a program in which the Service reps encouraged students to donate warm items such as blankets and jumpers to the Salvation Army by putting their donations in a big pile like a mountain. Seeing this “mountain of warmth” made me realise just what could be achieved when everyone came together and worked towards a common goal. It felt even better when we helped to pack all of the items into the Salvation Army trucks. This is the moment where I realised just how valuable service is to our community. This year I joined the school’s knitting club where I knitted a square for a blanket which was put on this year’s mountain of warmth and I will forever be invested in Service programs at the college.

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